How Does Coaching Actually Work?
A Sample Outline of 6 Sessions
Session 1
An in depth and personal Introduction to each other and how our sessions will be run.
Mutual respect and confidentiality guidelines for both of us.
Overall life evaluation exercise and rating
Begin an eye opening personal inventory activity (this will be continually worked on in every session)
A Personal Assignment is assigned for the next session. Homework is no more than 10-15 minutes per week)
Session 4
Sessions 3-5: Highly personalized according to your goals and specific needs which may include:
Short meditation exercises
Personal inventory exercise
Creative mental tools to untap and delve deeper.
Personal Assignments
Session 2
Personal inventory
Fact finding questions and life history
How to set a goal
Setting and phrasing your goal in the most effective language in order to motivate and inspire yourself.
Personal Assignment for next session
Session 5
Sessions 3-5: Highly personalized according to your goals and specific needs which may include:
Short meditation exercises
Personal inventory exercise
Creative mental tools to untap and delve deeper.
Personal Assignments
Session 3
Sessions 3-5: Highly personalized according to your goals and specific needs which may include:
Short meditation exercises
Personal inventory exercise
Creative mental tools to untap and delve deeper.
Personal Assignments
Session 6
Review homework assignments.
Review overall life assessment.
Discuss, review and reflect on your progress
Make a plan for continued progress after your coaching completion.